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Back at School memories...

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Back at School memories... Empty Back at School memories...

Post by silky73 Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:10 am

All throughout my life I have had all kinds of encounters, experiences involving ladies in skirts and slip etc... and some wishful thinking with my secret fetish of seeing ladies in their outfits. It is such a turn on when looking upon a nice woman, and wondering what they have under their skirt or dress.

One experience I had was back at school was with my form tutor, Mrs T, who was also my chemistry teacher. She wore many wonderful feminine outfits involving midi skirts and dresses.

On this occasion, it was during morning assembly, where we, the pupils sat on the floor, crossed legged, and the teachers sat on either benches or chairs alongside the pupils. Mrs T. that morning wore a black midi length pleated skirt, and cream blouse. She was sat down on the bench to my left, and had her legs crossed and I was just slightly in front of her on the floor. Well, all throughout that assembly, I could not keep my eyes of her, as I kept turning my head for a gorgeous view of her crossed legs, and the sheer drop of what was a white silky underskirt on show. It was absolutely gorgeous, and their was a hint of an inch and half of trimmed lace. The way the slip moved around her legs was wonderful. Even when her legs were uncrossed and the underskirt just went straight down, I could still see her slip perfectly on the inside of her skirt. How she did not notice me turning around all the time is beyond me... or did she, and perhaps liked it... I will never know, but liked to think that she might of done Wink

Just one of many experiences I can remember of the lovely Mrs T, over 30 years ago.

... any other memories from our slip lovely community back from school / college era?  Back at School memories... 1f60a

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Back at School memories... Empty Re: Back at School memories...

Post by Bmac Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:46 am

Those were the days,unfortunately not seen anymore, soo boring


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Back at School memories... Empty Re: Back at School memories...

Post by Nylonlust Thu Jun 13, 2024 4:04 am

All the those teachers with pleated skirts back in the 80s and 90s was a gold mine of slip peeking memories. No wonder that wonderful vision of catching a glimpse silky nylon lace drape below her skirt will always live long in the memory banks. I'm sure Mrs T must loved your onlooking advances Smile


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Back at School memories... Empty Re: Back at School memories...

Post by Emma Sat Jun 15, 2024 7:16 am

At primary school we had to do PE in our slips, which is one of the reasons why slips were compulsory for us. The boys wore their undies and vests. Even at that very young age we didn't want to be seen wearing a nunty cotton slip and I remember badgering my mum in a flood of tears because I wanted nicer slips to wear if I had to do PE in them. Eventually she relented and took me down town to buy three prettier nylon slips. I didn't mind PE lessons quite so much after that.

Later, at secondary school (I'm a Tranby girl) we had to wear white half slips under our skirts, the hem of which had to be between 2 and 3 inches higher than the hem of our skirts. That was the rule. God how I hated wearing them at that time. I'd rush home and the first thing I'd do was jettison my navy knee length skirt and half slip and put my jeans or hareem pants on. Funny how things change, isn't it?!

Emms x

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Back at School memories... Empty Re: Back at School memories...

Post by Albinoni1967 Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:54 am

For myself I was born in Asia (Malaysia) also lived in Brunei (Borneo), when I was schooling in Brunei I would say most of the asian girls (Malay and Chinese) were silky slips with scalopped lace under their school uniforms without fail, whether it was compulsory I don't know, but when they use to walk sometimes I would say a hint of beige silky lace peek at the their skirts, very soft and silky with scalopped lace at the bottom. We also had a english teacher she was mixed blood not sure what, and without fail she would wear a silky beige half slip under her skirt/dressse would always see the feminine pretty lace at the bottom, definitely beige. Beige slips seems to be very popular with asian girls dont ask me why. Than when I moved to Australia I had a very sexy pretty Italian teacher at high school, this was back in the 80's, always wore a silky cream slip under her skirt omg and did she show it off, the scalop lace at the bottom, cream and feminine too, sexy as. Pleated skirts are now back in fashion here but how many girls wear a slip under them not alot I reckon, slips here in Australia are a dying breed sad but true. Not sure how it's like up in the USA and Canada.


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Back at School memories... Empty 11 plus

Post by Bmac Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:47 pm

My first introduction to slip sitings was when I sat the above.The teacher invigilating wore a tight fitting long skirt but had a white nylon slip underneath.Crossing and uncrossing her legs did give very off-putting views during the test
Moving onto higher school all the teachers wore visible slips and the older girls as well..Being a prefect and on stair duty offered wonderful views of slips,happy days


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Back at School memories... Empty Compulsory??

Post by Arlo Sat Jun 29, 2024 11:01 am

Emms, (thanks for the advice btw). "At primary school we had to do PE in our slips, which is one of the reasons why slips were compulsory for us". What?!
I think you're only in your early '40s so you mean in the late '80s girls did PE in slips? I could never have imagined that girls of that age would be compelled to wear slips, and what about in PE? were they tucked in? I will give my memories of just one day much earlier when petticoats were generally much more common, but it was one day.

Albinoni, I looked in the M&S website recently and slips are now a subdivision of "shapewear". Yeuch!


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Join date : 2024-06-24

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